To improve the life of your dog you must make sure it is receiving the best nutrition possible. Research , external from established pet food manufacturers ,had to be done to determine what dogs miss out when owners buy commercial store food . Extensive research on what kind of boosters a dog needs to take its health to the next level had to be done.

Enter Dr Andrew Jones, a young holistic veterinarian, who has seen the results of poor dog nutrition in his 15 years of veterinary practice. He set out to to make the "be all, end all" solution for pet owners who truly wanted the best for their animals and used his in the field experience, coupled with the grief over the loss of one of his own pets, to design a supplement for dogs. He wanted to figure out the absolute best ways to...

* Help a dog strengthen its immune system to the point where no disease stands a chance...

* Give a dog everything it needs to have healthy, arthritis-free joints, bones

* Set the stage for proper growth and development in younger dogs

* Help ensure proper functioning of the muscles and nerves

* Ensure healthy teeth and gums

* Slow down the aging process and hardening of tissues

* Increase healthy eye sight long into a dog's golden years

* Aid in digestion, and provide nutrients that aid and improve your dog's metabolism

* Speed up the body's healing process for wounds and possible broken bones

* Cut down your dog's risk of allergies

* Decrease a dog's risk to viral and airborne diseases

* And most of all... PREVENT CANCER.

Dr Jones took every thing he learned from 15+ years of treating every dog disease imaginable and spent several years interviewing the people who he considered to be the experts on canine nutrition... researching the effects of using one vitamin or nutrient versus another... and figuring out exactly what a dog truly needs to lead a full and healthy life and came up with a formula for a new Canine Supplement. I know Andrew and his family and his commitment to his own pets and those of his patients and find him to be a caring and compassionate man, not a faceless multi-national corporation. I have read his various publications The Truth Behind the Pet Food Recall , Veterinary Secrets Revealed, Dog Health Remedies and First Aid for Dogs. Find out what his formula can do for your dog, and maybe lower your vet bills at the same time.

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